Oct 28, 2010

Parkview Panorama

My panorama. Drag& drop to the url bar to see full-sized.

It's a Small World, After all.

Used part of my Panorama to create this "small world". It didn't line up quite right but I was satisfied for my first try!

Can I have some more?

"Those crackers were good..."

Life Isn't Black And White.

The soul sees color..

Budding Life

Budding Life
The life of a flower is a short one.

Two Worlds Mingle

A Sand Piper on the beach. Color edit, crop, border added, image resized.

River Dift

A river and it's rocks in North Carolina...

Sep 21, 2010

The White Queen

Composite image.
I pasted my face over the White Queen (Anne Hathaway) from Alice In Wonderland. I mostly chose this photo because of the rodent, as well as the angle of her face was the closet matching to the angle in my photo as well.

This piece is not done particularly well, but it was interesting to put together!

Filters x9

Filter effects x9

Zombie Dog

Well, you know how it goes, when you gotta draw zombie dogs, you gotta draw zombie dogs!

The Basics of Sewing

Taken with flash.
Black backdrop.

These guys are cute as buttons!
(No pun intended!)

Exploring Shapes

Taken in yellow 75w Lighting using a hand-held clip light.

No color editing at all was done to this piece, it has perfect coloring as-is.(In my opinion!)
I only added a 5px feathered chocolate brown border.

Sleeping Mouse

Young Mouse Sleeping.
Sheared sheepskin base with black backdrop.
305k Natural Daylight Lamp.

I find that I personally like backdrops of a darker color when working with something that is white or a similar light color. I guess you could say that I adore the contrast.
My favorite photographic subjects are animals, rats and mice comprise a large number of my photographs.